Wednesday 9 September 2015

The Journey of Customer through Website to Online Purchase

There are mainly three parts through which the customer pass to make the online purchase. It is essential to know what people search for and what people intend to buy is as important as how the customer is going to use the website they found through search engines. These four phases are Awareness Interest Desire and Action. 

In the case of Business to Customer websites the number of videos, graphics and content views are important in creating the awareness. In the case of Business to Customer it is mainly in depth articles which creates awareness in the customer about the company. The use of various media platforms including Infographics is useful in creating awareness about either the product or services. 

In the case of customers who are looking for products on websites the content they signed up shows the interest. This can be either in the form of blog or news letter subscription or in the form of followers on social media platforms. Downloading gudies for buying products as well as downloading of product brochures also can be tracked as a measurement of interest generated among customers. In the case of people looking to do business with the website it will be the number of whitepapers read and forms filled up in the form of enquiries that matter most.

Once the customer is showing interest in the product it will be good to send trial offers. Request for call back or calling through the phone cane be seen as the level of desire inside the mind of customer. At this stage customers go and read about the review about the products and services about the company and products in various media. 

Final stage is the action the customer takes either in the form of purchasing the product. The purchase of the product can either be online or through the stores. The selling of products and services occur only in the final stage of the marketing process. 

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