Friday 5 June 2015

Things to Remember while ReDesigning a Website

The online marketing strategies that contribute to the design of the website are based on principles that are changing frequently. Staying up to date with the latest trends is an essential part in attaining opportunities through internet. The following are the major points that need to be considered while updating the website.

Responsive Website Design
It has been found that majority of people will not return to a website if it is not mobile friendly. This is same for both mobile and tablet users. The recent algorithms by Google also favors mobile friendly websites to be displayed in Search Engine Results Page. The primary concern while designing the website should be to make it mobile friendly.

Good Content
People will not return to a website if the content is less. Also if duplicate content is displayed on a website it will be difficult to rank such websites for keyword queries. Adding more keywords to the content through keyword stuffing will lower the value of the website. Updating the content of the website is also necessary for getting more visitors.

Social Media OptimizationToday Twitter and Facebook are some of the most popular social media websites through which a website is promoted. There are many people who connect with each other through these websites. So having the presence of social sharing options on the website is essential while doing the redesign.

Website Loading TimeThe page loading time plays an important role in website conversion rate. The longer the time for a website to load the greater is the chance to loosing the customer by clicking back or closing the window.

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