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Tuesday 22 March 2016

How to Increase Influence through Social Media Websites

Due to the heavy amount of information shared on Social Media it is hard to influence people in the current digital era.  Even though there are claims saying about the net worth of a Facebook fan the amount of revenue obtained through social media promotion is not much higher. How the visits can be of use in social media and how a brand can become influential is a critical task for most small business owners. The following are some of the strategies followed by bigger brands for increasing the influence through Social Media.

Paying to Play
There are several digital marketing professional claiming that social media marketing is completely free. As more and more Apps on Social Media are adopting the paying to play for continuing to use Online payment for social media app use is gaining momentum. for this reason it is suggested that small business marketers are required to allocate budget for social media promotion. As less than 20% of followers actually sees the post by brands paying for posts to be seen on social media is getting stronger.  
Picking Right Platform
It is a misconception that every business can be promoted on every social media platform. Certain kind of business will find it easy to market through visually enhanced social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram. In the case of some other business twitter will be much more profitable. It is essential for new marketers to first study about what the competitors are doing and how they are making profits through social instead of starting it quickly.

Creating Community
One of the most important factors people like a Facebook Page or follow a brand is to avail special offers and discounts with respect to a brand. Certain brands show behind the scenes with respect to a brand which gives a more humanistic approach to the social media profile. It is also necessary to interact and communicate with the fans to set up a community of loyal followers.

Friday 18 March 2016

Best Practices for increasing Pagespeed for enhancing Search Engine Optimization

Best Practices for increasing Pagespeed for enhancing Search Engine Optimization
Most of the mobile users find their concentration getting distracted after one or two seconds while browsing a website which does not load fast. However this is not practical and Google gives more importance to Above the Fold to be displayed in under one second so that the user gets the first glimpse of website. While the user views the portion above the fold the below portion can be rendered.

The loading of the website goes under the following stages before the viewer sees it
  • DNS look Up
  • TCP Connection
  • HTTP Request and Response
  • Server Response Time
  • Client Side Rendering
The first three sections is causing considerable delay due to the connectivity of network and the remaining two can be reduced with expertise. As most of the rendering happens in 3G network Google is keeping it as standard.

Server Response Time is the time taken by the server in returning the http request for the html file. For better user experience the redirection factor also need to be considered. This is because if there is another request for a redirected page chances are that the loading of page will take more time and the user might abandon the page. The TCP round trips also need to be minimum for loading the initial data required for the visibility of the web page.

Another factor that is hindering the user experience is the render blocking elements in the form of javascript and css. If there are many javascript files which are loaded then there will be much time taken for the web page to load. If it is necessary to have the jquery feature to be added to the website it is good to have it after the content in Above the Fold is rendered. It is also good to have the css files removed if it is not used in rendering the web page. 

Monday 14 March 2016

Impact of Online Reviews in Digital Marketing

Most of the online buyers are influenced by the reviews written online about products. Some companies find it difficult to get reviews from customers. As negative reviews can harm the reputation of the company as well as products digital marketing is employed in order to gain reviews from bloggers recently. It is also true that the rating and reviews on Google Place pages also contribute to the ranking with respect to keywords. Google has recently warned bloggers a list of things to be taken care while writing reviews.

Writing reviews about products that are obtained free for posting links back to the original website or the product page on social media or to the web page where the product is being sold is against Google Webmaster guidelines and such practices and putting no follow links is the only way out for linking from reviews. Companies providing free samples in exchange of reviews also need to emphasis on putting nofollow links on web pages linking to product.

There are several factors that come under reviews that affect not only buying decisions but also search engine rankings. The first thing that affect search engine rankings are the number of reviews obtained for a product. Then comes the interval that is coming in between getting reviews. The use of keywords inside the reviews also affects the search engine rankings. Adding rating button on websites especially product pages can also influence the buying decision through search results page after viewing star rating.

Google offers more reviews button on certain products having reviews on other websites as well. It is also true that local search engines line yelp also contribute to the reviews submitted on web pages. Four square also have rating options for local business. Google Plus Local reviews and rating is influenced by the number of reviews as well as use of keywords in reviews.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Top Five SEO Tips for achieving high ranking for Videos on Google

Video is one of the most powerful content that can increase the engagement factor of website high and help seo. The following are some of the tips that helps videos achieve higher positions in search engine ranking.

1. Solving Problems
The primary criteria for publishing video should be about solving a problem the user find difficult or providing vital information. As there are plenty of resources available on internet getting content for videos are not much difficult.

2. Easy Viewing
It will be good if all the videos are listed on a single page and it is easier for people to sort it out based on categories and play in a separate window. Options for sharing videos should also be enabled on the video link. Based on tags provided for the videos people can easily find the required video from the gallery. A separate landing page for the individual video provides ample opportunities for seo.

3. Interactivity for Videos
With advanced features of HTML5 and CSS3 several kind of interactivity can be added to videos which makes more engagement through videos. Such videos are also shared to many people through social media platforms. Online quiz and surveys also can be done with the help of videos by making videos into many parts.

4. Metadata
Using metadata for video is also a common practice which needs to be followed for getting indexed by search engine giants like Google and Bing. It is also essential to have Facebook Open Graph and Twitter cards friendly markup inside the video web page to be able to display correctly on social media platforms.

5. Hosting Video on Own Domain
One of the most important thing most SEO professionals forget is hosting videos on the website itself instead of embedding on YouTube and other channels. Videos hosted on the website itself generate views and visits to the website instead of diverting the views to YouTube similar videos. 

Tuesday 1 March 2016

Google Now and Voice Commands to make Life Easier

Google Now is one of the most advanced feature of Google Search. The voice function of Google Voice has become a robust application in the recent years. Predicting one want or need before asking is the key element that made Google Now a success. One of the advantage of Google Now is the use of natural language which gives more personal touch to the Google Search. the following are some of the categories questions which can be asked on Google Now

General Information
these type of questions usually involves age related questions, place related questions, definitions, time related questions, picture related information, weather related information etc. Certain conversion factors related information and mathematical expression related questions also can be through Google Now.

Device Control
These types of questions usually evolves opening of certain applications, taking pictures with in built camera, recording video etc. It is also possible to turn or turn of Wifi and Bluetooth on request.

Sometimes setting an alarm or reminder takes a lot of keystrokes which can be done with Google Now. Setting Timers and starting stop watch etc also can be done through Google Voice Command. Some of the Gmail information also can be used through Google Now using voice command. Creating a note about something also is easier with Google Now.

Often we want to check the last email or email sent by someone. Or we want to know who called us last or on a specific day. For these type of questions also Google Now can be utilized. texting a particular person or calling someone or sending an email to someone will be much easier with Google Now. 

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