Schneide Solutions

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Tuesday, 22 March 2016

How to Increase Influence through Social Media Websites

Due to the heavy amount of information shared on Social Media it is hard to influence people in the current digital era.  Even though there are claims saying about the net worth of a Facebook fan the amount of revenue obtained through social media promotion is not much higher. How the visits...

Friday, 18 March 2016

Best Practices for increasing Pagespeed for enhancing Search Engine Optimization

Most of the mobile users find their concentration getting distracted after one or two seconds while browsing a website which does not load fast. However this is not practical and Google gives more importance to Above the Fold to be displayed in under one second so that the user gets the first glimpse...

Monday, 14 March 2016

Impact of Online Reviews in Digital Marketing

Most of the online buyers are influenced by the reviews written online about products. Some companies find it difficult to get reviews from customers. As negative reviews can harm the reputation of the company as well as products digital marketing is employed in order to gain reviews from bloggers...

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Top Five SEO Tips for achieving high ranking for Videos on Google

Video is one of the most powerful content that can increase the engagement factor of website high and help seo. The following are some of the tips that helps videos achieve higher positions in search engine ranking. 1. Solving Problems The primary criteria for publishing video should be about solving...

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Google Now and Voice Commands to make Life Easier

Google Now is one of the most advanced feature of Google Search. The voice function of Google Voice has become a robust application in the recent years. Predicting one want or need before asking is the key element that made Google Now a success. One of the advantage of Google Now is the use of natural...

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